The Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) is committed to providing the best available care to pets and animals.  The ability to provide this care involves the establishment and maintenance of a Veterinary-Client-Patient relationship (VCPR).[1]

The VMVTH promotes and supports a values-driven culture.  We are committed to treating you in a manner that is respectful and in agreement with the Principles of Community of Virginia Tech.

Client's Rights

  • To receive high-quality, compassionate veterinary care for your pet
  • To participate in and make decisions regarding your pet’s care, including declining recommended care
    • Your pet’s medical team will explain the potential medical consequences of declining recommended treatment(s)
  • To have your pet’s illness, possible treatment plans, and potential outcomes be explained in a manner you can understand
  • To request that a family member/friend, and/or veterinarian be notified that your pet is in care of the VMVTH
  • To receive written and verbal information regarding follow-up health care following your pet’s visit
  • To approve or decline your pets participation in clinical studies for which they may be eligible
  • To have treatment plans, communications, and medical records established for your pet
  • To have any concerns or complaints addressed

Client's Responsibilities

  • To provide accurate information about your pet’s health and medical history
  • To provide accurate information about all responsible parties
  • To ask the medical team for clarification when you do not understand medical terms or instructions about your pet’s plan of care
  • To follow your pet’s plan of care following discharge from the hospital
    • If you are unable/willing to follow the plan of care, you are responsible for telling your care provider, who will explain the potential medical consequences of not following the recommended plan
  • To act in a manner that is respectful towards other clients, clinicians, students, and hospital staff
  • To follow VMVTH rules and regulations, including respect of property

The university maintains a policy on harassment, discrimination, and sexual assault. The prohibition against discrimination and harassment applies to all levels and areas of university operations and programs. Questions and complaints of discrimination or discriminatory harassment involving faculty, staff, or students should be filed with:

The Associate Vice President for Civil Rights and Prevention Education, Virginia Tech
North End Center
300 Turner St.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-2010

If you have any comments or questions about your rights or responsibilities of your animal’s care, you may contact:

Director, Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Virginia Tech
205 Duckpond Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-7823