Large Animal Surgery

For appointments and emergencies: 540-231-4621
The Large Animal Surgery Service provides primary and emergency patient care to a variety of large animal species within the local and regional practice area, and consultation and referral service to veterinarians requiring specialty information regarding surgical cases.
Large animal surgery and lameness services
- General surgery (castration, cryptochid castration, hernia repair)
- Abdominal surgery (colic)
- Orthopedic surgery/ fracture repair
- Arthroscopic surgery
- Laparoscopic surgery
- Laser surgery
- Lameness evaluation
- Purchase examination
- Wound repair and reconstructive surgery
- Coil embolization for guttural pouch mycosis
- Farrier Service
Special facilities, equipment, and procedures
- IRAP™ (Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein) joint therapy
- Shock wave therapy
- Nuclear medicine (bone scan)
- Digital radiography
- CT scan
- Ultrasonography
- Endoscopy
Large animal surgery personnel
Bio ItemSophie H. Bogers, BVSc, MVSc, PhD, DACVS–Large Animal , bio
Clinical Assistant Professor, Large Animal Surgery
Bio ItemChris Byron, DVM, MS, DACVS , bio
Department Head, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences Associate Professor, Large Animal Surgery
Bio ItemElaine Claffey, DVM, DACVS-LA , bio
Assistant Clinical Professor, Large Animal Surgery
Bio ItemKatie Gottleib, DVM , bio
Resident, Large Animal Surgery
Bio ItemTroy Holder, DVM, DACVS-LA , bio
Assistant Clinical Professor, Large Animal Surgery