Theriogenology (Reproduction)

Phone: 540-231-4621
To request our services or to learn more, request to speak with one of our theriogenologists. Please let our receptionist know if your call is regarding an emergency.
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Theriogenology Services Laboratory
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
245 Duck Pond Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital's Reproduction Service is staffed by faculty specialists who are board-certified by the American College of Theriogenologists and is supported by residents training in the specialty of theriogenology.
- Provide high-quality routine and emergency reproductive services to breeders and producers of small and large animals
- Assist veterinarians with consultations on reproductive cases
- Maintain a state-of-the-art reproductive laboratory and privately owned frozen semen bank
Services by species
Services for small animal patients
- We are now offering TeleHealth appointments to clients for consultations about breeding management, male and female infertility, genetics, and generalized pregnancy management. Blocks of 30 minutes to an hour are available, and written discharges will be available for both owner and rDVM after each appointment.
- We offer distance timing to those clients and rDVMS outside of our geographical area to assist in breeding timing and pertinent pregnancy milestones and due dates.
- We offer in-house boarding for breeding to ease the time spent traveling to breed a female.
- Breeding management
- Progesterone testing via Chemiluminescence (Immulite), the current gold standard in breeding management
- Assisted natural breeding
- Artificial insemination (vaginal, transcervical catheterization, surgical)
- Extensive experience working with fresh, shipped-chilled, and frozen semen
- Breeding soundness examinations for bitches and dogs
- Infertility workup for both
- High-risk pregnancy management
- Pregnancy diagnosis via ultrasound
- Gestational aging and parturition day prediction via ultrasound
- Dystocia management
- Elective and emergency C-sections
- Semen freezing and storage
- Shipped chilled semen: longevity testing and test shipments
- Management of prostate diseases
- Neonatology
- Consultations on care of the neonate
- Treatment of sick neonates
- Same-day Brucella canis testing
- Pyometra treatment: medical or surgical
- Genetic testing
- Testing: OFA, PennHIP, DNA, and a variety of genetic markers
- Counseling
Small animal reproductive resources
Request our services
- Please call 540-231-4621 and ask to speak with one of our theriogenologists.
- See the "Forms for veterinarians and clients" tab to view and download necessary forms.
Services for mares
- Breeding soundness examinations
- Broodmare pre-purchase examinations
- Breeding management: on-site or travel within a 35-mile radius
- Pregnancy diagnosis
- Embryo transfer
- Dystocia management
- Twinning
Services for stallions
- We do not provide stallion services at this time.
Request our services
- Please call 540-231-4621 and ask to speak with one of our theriogenologists.
- See the "Forms for veterinarians and clients" tab to view and download necessary forms.
For veterinarians
For clients
- Service welcome and appointment instructions (PDF)
- TeleHealth appointment instructions (fillable PDF)
Semen freezing appointments
Please bring a hard copy of the following form to your scheduled appointment:
Frozen semen shipping, disposal, and transfer of ownership
After speaking with our service, please send the following form by email to or by fax to 540-231-9354.
- Frozen semen shipping or destruction form (PDF)
Note: Semen shipments are sent 48 hours after receipt of the completed form.
Evaluation forms
- Vist the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals for pertinent forms.
- Note: Do not fill out the payment information. It is not required and will be the responsibility of the owner to pay the OFA directly for all fees related to health testing.
- PennHIP Radiograph Evaluation Application (PDF)
Mailing address for semen shipments
Theriogenology Services
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
245 Duck Pond Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Additional Information
In October 2021, VMCVM's Theriogenology Club hosted a "Puppy Palooza" that allowed preclinical veterinary students to perform examinations, vaccinations, and microchipping on German shepherd and Australian shepherd puppies brought to the college by reputable breeders.
In October 2019, VMCVM held its first-ever "Puppy Palooza" for students to get hands-on experience handling puppies and working with breeders. Students performed physical examinations and vaccinations on golden retriever, German shepherd, and Australian shepherd puppies.
Theriogenology personnel
Bio ItemOrsolya Balogh, DVM, PhD, DACT , bio
Associate Professor, Theriogenology; JoAnne S. O'Brien Professor of Theriogenology
Bio ItemGabriela Carneiro de Sousa, DVM , bio
Resident, Theriogenology
Bio ItemJulie T. Cecere, DVM, MS, DACT , bio
Clinical Associate Professor, Theriogenology
Bio ItemSherrie Clark, DVM, PhD, DACT , bio
Associate Department Head, Large Animal Clinical Sciences; Professor, Theriogenology
Bio ItemJessica Cowley, DVM, MS, DACT , bio
Assistant Clinical Professor, Production Management Medicine
Bio ItemJamie Stewart, DVM, PhD, MS, DACT , bio
Assistant Professor, Production Management Medicine
Bio ItemSebastián Umaña Sedó, DVM, MSc, DVSc , bio
Assistant Professor, Production Management Medicine