Small Animal Internal Medicine

The Small Animal Internal Medicine Service provides specialty care to clients referred by private practitioners for internal medicine problems and special procedures.
Internal Medicine services
- Consultation by board certified specialists in small animal internal medicine
- Advanced diagnostic testing
- State of the art patient treatment and monitoring
- Twenty-four hour care
- Cancer diagnostics
- Advanced testing for endocrine, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, blood, and infectious diseases
Clinical trials to advance internal medicine are also performed by the Internal Medicine Service.
Specialty procedures
- Endoscopy, a minimally invasive procedure of looking into the stomach, colon, esophagus, trachea, bladder, or nasal cavity of small animal patients
- Endoscopic laser lithotripsy to remove bladder and urethral stones from dogs
- Bone marrow aspirates
- Joint taps
- Collection of spinal fluid
- Inserting special catheters
- Small foreign body extraction

Small Animal Internal Medicine personnel
Bio ItemAlexandra Cleversley, DVM , bio
Resident, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemStefanie DeMonaco, DVM, MS, MVEd, DACVIM , bio
Clinical Associate Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemVikram Kahlon, DVM , bio
Resident, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemAudrey Keebaugh, DVM, MS, DACVIM , bio
Clinical Assistant Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemSierrah Travis, DVM , bio
Resident, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemAshley Wilkinson, DVM, MS, DACVIM , bio
Assistant Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine