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Neonatology: Specialized Foal Care


The Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine provides specialized care for your foal in our hospital and on the farm through our Equine Field Service. If you have questions about our neonatology services, please contact us at 540-231-4621 for in-hospital or on-farm treatment.

Conditions which may require veterinary care

  • Prenatal care for mares with high-risk pregnancies
  • Dysmature foals
  • Foal has not consumed enough colostrum
  • Sick foals: signs of depression, not nursing, fever, swollen joints/lame, diarrhea, nasal discharge, coughing
  • Mare that does not have sufficient milk (fescue, nutrition)
  • Thickened umbilicus/patent urachus (dripping urine from umbilicus)
  • Angular limb deformities
  • Colic

Foal health care services we provide

  • Newborn foal exam: physical exam to identify any problems and congenital abnormalities
    • Passage of meconium
    • Immunoglobulin levels (SNAP test)
    • Adequate nursing/nutrition
    • Angular limb deformities
  • Additional diagnostics can include ultrasound and/or radiographs to determine extent of problem(s)
  • Blood work/lab tests
  • Provide colostrum or plasma
  • Supplemental nutrition
  • Corrective treatment for angular limb deformities
  • Provide antibiotics, if needed